Where is Philip Rizk? أين فيليب رزق

Where is Philip Rizk?

Egyptian security authorities kidnap activist Philip Rizk to an unknown destination


Yesterday, the 6th of February 2009, Egyptian security forces stopped a number of activists from the Egyptian Popular Campaign in solidarity with the Palestinian people who had organized a “towards Gaza” campaign”. The police stopped them for hours in front of the Abu Zaabal police station and eventually arrested activist, journalist and AUC piostgraduate student Philip Rizk inside the police station before taking him away in a car with concealed numbers to an unknown destination.

When a number of activists tried to follow the car to identify its destination, they were stopped at a police check point. A police general seized identification papers of Dr. Mostafa Hussein from Nadim Center and physically aggressed him.

Today, tens of activists, journalists, lawyers and a number of Philip’s colleagues and teachers gathered in front of the office of the public prosecutor to file a complaint regarding the kidnap. They were surrounded by tens of riot police, who prevented them from access to the building claiming to be acting upon orders of the public prosecutor himself. Later only the lawyers, Philip’s parents and a few activists were allowed in and submitted their complaint.

The public prosecutor confirmed that Philp Rizk is being kept in one of the state security intelligence headquarters, but did not specify which. He referred the complaint to the public attorney in North Banha to follow up the investigations. 14 witnesses of yesterday’s kidnap together with the lawyers and Philip’s parents went to Banha and met with the public attorney. At 6 p.m. the public attorney the investigation was concluded pending the testimonies of officers who were present at the time of the kidnap, namely officers Mohamed el Shafei, Mahmoud (full name unknown) and general assistant to the security directorate of Qalubeya.

The public attorney met only with Philip’s father and lawyer Mohsen Beshir who was present at the time of the kidnap and refused to hear the testimonies of the 14 witnesses who were present at the time of the incident. (For more details visit www.gaza.katib.org).


El Nadim Center:

– Condemns this barbaric, mafia style treatment of citizens and holds the Egyptian Ministry of Interior responsible for the safety and life of Philip Rizk. Â

– Calls for the immediate release of Philip and enabling him to contact his family and lawyers.

– Warns from any form of maltreatment or torture of Philip Rizk considering the systematic use of torture in Egyptian police stations in general and state security headquarters in particular.

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