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جامعة حرة يابلادى
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The National Theater on FIRE ! حريق بالمسرح القومي
The National Theater in Downtown Cairo is on fire, as I’m writing now… Nile News is reporting the fire has broken out in the main hall shortly before iftar. There are ten fire trucks, according to the channel, present in the scene trying to control the situation and prevent the spread of fire.HOSSAM ELHAMALAWY
بعد شهر واحد من حريق المبنى التاريخي لمجلس الشورى بالقاهرة
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Today is the fourth day of freedom after my four day imprisonment. Every once in a while I am hit by the incomprehensible contrast between absolute freedom and absolute confinement. During those four long days I didn’t do much else but be interrogated, sleep or try to sleep. Philip Rizk,release, February 12 2009 Before…