the fucking binladen audio recording about the previous war in gaza

osama binladen and the other terrorist ayman elzawahry are realy fucking minds , of course america is the head of imperialism in this world but it not mean this imperalism against only muslims , or the arabes , it is against the whole

world , also which the ways that binladen used in the facing with usa only killing the civil citizens in newyourk , lodon, madrid , algeria and morocco ,saudiaarabia>>……………………………..

the crazy binladen i wish to know who give him the permission to kill the people , he said allah ? which god who gave ahuman permission tokill his brothers in huminity

in this audio recorder the fucking binladen speake about the previous war in gaza , the reaction of the arabe regimes with these massacres and how can the fucking terrorists in iraq can go to palestine through jordan to fight against israeil

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