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clashes in Sinai and Muslim Brotherhood arrested in Mahalla

18 police officers in arish hospital after the clashes between them and Bedouin in Sinai today. the manager of security north of sinai called one of the activists of the bedouin – and told him to be calm. But the bedouin said, no, it’s over, Mubarak will be out. In mahalla they arrested 3 of muslim brotherhood, including Moustafa Walili. Egyptians are ready now for a huge rally all over Egypt and they only need one thing – to get Mubarak out.

From New York time about muslim brotherhoods:

CAIRO (AFP)–At least 20 members of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood opposition group were arrested overnight Friday, the group’s lawyer Abdelmoneim Abdel Maqsoud said.

Among those arrested at their homes were five former members of parliament and five members of the political bureau, whose best known leaders are Essam El-Eriane and Mohammed Moursi.

The Muslim Brotherhood had announced it would take part in a planned rally after Friday noon prayers, as discontent continued for a fourth day in a row in the country’s most serious antigovernment unrest in decades.

Up to now they had given lip service to the demonstrations that started Tuesday against the regime of President Hosni Mubarak, leaving it up to their members to participate if they chose.

The country’s leading dissident, Nobel Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei, also said he would take part in the protests after arriving late Thursday from a visit to Vienna.

However, Egypt’s interior ministry warned that it would take “decisive measures” against antigovernment protesters.

The angry nationwide demonstrations have swelled into the largest uprising in three decades.

Seven people have been killed–five protesters and two policemen–and more than 100 injured.

Also, a security official said about 1,000 people had been arrested since the protests began.

from Al-Masry Al-Youm about suez:

Egyptian security forces used teargas, rubber bullets and water cannons to disperse popular protests staged in Suez City on Thursday.

According to eyewitnesses, security forces have cut all public lighting in the neighborhood of Al-Arbe’en, especially in areas near the local police station.

A local fire department was torched on Thursday, and a police station–along with a handful of other government buildings–was burnt down by mobs of angry protesters on Wednesday. Police forces, meanwhile, have struggled to quash the protests.

According to eyewitnesses, plainclothes policemen have conducted an unknown number of arbitrary arrests in the area over the past 24 hours. Estimates suggest that between 15 and 50 demonstrators have been arrested so far.

At least four civilians have been reported killed since Tuesday’s initial “Day of Anger” protests.

Demonstrations remain ongoing and are expected to escalate further following Friday prayers.

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