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Solidarity with Mahalla from Belfast رئيس نقابة رجال المطافئ بأيرلندا الشمالية يدين الهجمة على عمال المحلة

photo by hossam elhamalawy

the journalist hossam elhamalawy received this message from jim barbour the excutive council member of the fire brigade union for launching solidarity with ghazl elmahalla workers

I received the following message from Jim Barbour, the Executive Council Member of the Fire Brigade Union…
We in Northern Ireland were very disturbed, and indeed angered, at news of this most recent round of attacks on workers in Egypt.It is a tribute to workers in Egypt and especially those at Mahalla, that they continue to show such great courage, in the face of despicable attacks from management and ongoing state collusion.We were especially concerned that Amal and Wedad were treated in such a cowardly manner. We hope that they are now safe and well.We now make a point of raising the plight of Egyptian comrades, at every opportunity that arises.Be assured of our continued support.…Yours in solidarity.Jim Barbour

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