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Free Gaza / Palestina Libre
after what has happened in massacres gaza I just have astrange feelings and sensations for what the meaning of the live in this world today , it mean easy to loose your life , be killed without any help to avoid or prevent this where is the justic , where are the values of human…
Solidarity with Mahalla from Belfast رئيس نقابة رجال المطافئ بأيرلندا الشمالية يدين الهجمة على عمال المحلة
photo by hossam elhamalawy the journalist hossam elhamalawy received this message from jim barbour the excutive council member of the fire brigade union for launching solidarity with ghazl elmahalla workers I received the following message from Jim Barbour, the Executive Council Member of the Fire Brigade Union…We in Northern Ireland were very disturbed, and indeed…