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El Badeel journalist Eman Raouf in hospital
At 10:50 pm, el Badeel journalist Eman Raouf was taken to el Monera hospital for health difficulties from her hunger strike.The journalists and activists are still protesting at the press syndicate til acceptance to sign in the syndicate.
mahalla workers demonstrate again next sat 29 Nov
Ghazl elmahalla workers are protest next saturday 29 Nov against the the badest decision of the head manager of the ghazl elmahalla company fouad abd elalem hassan due to victimization of four workers : kareem elbehiry by transfered him to the cairo office mohammed elatar by transfered him to the alex office amal alsaed by…
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Ghazl el-Mahalla workers to protest privatization وقفة إحتجاجية لعمال غزل المحلة الخميس القادم ضد الخصخصة
photo by nasser nourighazl elmahalla textille workers will protest thursday 30 october 3;30 pm by the end of the first work shift for one hour against the plane of the boss of the factory who got an order from the government in cairo to prepare the mahalla company for privatization so the workers need to…
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ph0to by mohammed maree