تعصب وتخلف : المواقع العلمانية غير مرغوب فيها عربيا Secularist internet websites are not welcome in Arab states
The Arabic Network for Human Rights said today that the website of Arab Secularists’ http://www.3almani.org/ is facing a campaign that it should be blocked in several Arab states. There are already five states which have blocked this website, making it the most blocked website, surpassing even the Alhewar website http://www.ahewar.org which has been blocked in four Arab countries. Four Arab states have blocked both the websites (Saudi, the Emirates, Tunisia and Bahrain) and now the Syrian authorities have joined the four states and blocked the Arab Secularists’ website, which makes it the most banned website. The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information said: “It is not surprising that these websites have been blocked by these states, but it is strange that the most blocked websites have a secularist trend, which reveals the stance of these states against the secularist and democratic values called for by these websites. Strangest of all is the fact that the Emirates have joined the list of countries that have this animosity to the internet.”