BOOKMARX 16/3/2009
Egypt is one of 12 ‘internet enemies’ at 3arabawy Egypt is among 12 countries which systematically repress internet users, says rights groups Reporters Without Borders (RSF). “The vitality of the Egyptian blogosphere on the international scene is far from being an advantage for the bloggers involved, who are the most hounded in the world,” RSF…
Egyptian Revolution is coming الثورة المصرية قادمة
Nasser Nouri Photographs from Mahalla
the fucking binladen audio recording about the previous war in gaza
osama binladen and the other terrorist ayman elzawahry are realy fucking minds , of course america is the head of imperialism in this world but it not mean this imperalism against only muslims , or the arabes , it is against the whole world , also which the ways that binladen used in the facing…
BOOKMARX March 14th, 2009
عمال غزل شبين يحملون النعوش في اليوم التاسع لإضرابهم واصل صباح أمس الجمعة نحو 4 آلاف عامل بشركة أندوراما شبين تكستيل «غزل شبين الكوم» سابقا إضرابهم لليوم التاسع علي التوالي واعتصامهم بالمصانع للمطالبة بصرف الأرباح السنوية التي تقدر بـ228 يوما والتي من المقرر صرفها مطلع كل عام ميلادي جديد كنسبة من الأرباح عندما كانت تابعة…
The Socialist Newspaper جريدة الاشتراكي
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state security pigs station كمين أمن دولة
كمين نقطة العلو فى مدخل المحلة الكبرى (تصوير محمد مرعى
Story of apolitical detainee inside SS in mahalla
this story is for dr mammdoh elmonier who was detained in aroom beside me in the state security station in Mahalla elkubra , mammdoh is ablogger , political activist and member of muslim brothers hood they arrested him in 8 april from his house due to coverage at his blog the event of 6 april strike i…
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